Data Profiling Extended model (DPEXT)
Data profiling is the statistical analysis and assessment of data values within a data set for consistency, uniqueness and logic.
Many profiling tools exist but we are the only tool that permits:
Complete automation of data profiling analysis
Capability to do sampling instead of data profiling
Storing data profiling results within the data model itself
Controling what will be executed by table or view:
Check of string length
Count of distinct values
Count of nulls
Minimum and maximum values
Capture all values (if the number of values is below a specified threshold)
Controling parameters at a global level and populating on all tables/views
Association of business rules with tables or views; these business rules can be used to make cross-column analysis that can be used to expose embedded value dependencies and inter-table analysis allows the analyst to discover overlapping value sets
Using SAP PowerDesigner:
capacity to compare results in time
share information using a common portal or a dedicated viewer
Gains are:
Fully automated results,
Direct integration within modeling tool
Reduced human workload for repetitive work, up to several man days for each project to be multiplied by the number of projects done.
Applicable on supported databases (DB/2, Oracle, MS SQL, TERADATA, MYSQL, NETEZZA, POSTGRES, ...)
Complete information can be shared very quickly
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